Make Water Fun Again: Quick ways to convince yourself to drink more

There’s no other way to say this: we’ve got a drinking problem. A study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 43% of adults drink less than four cups of water a day, with 7% reporting they don’t drink water at all. This is alarming news particularly in pandemic times, as staying well-hydrated has been proven to be one of the easiest and cheapest ways to keep your body at its peak and in turn, boost immunity. 

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People also tend to lose the urge to drink as we get older, simply because our bodies don’t sense thirst as quickly or adequately—the same study noted that those aged 55 and up are more likely to drink just four cups or less daily. Of course, in a tropical country like ours, we also need to replenish fluids lost when we sweat; the same goes for those who regularly engage in vigorous exercise.     


But we get it: plain water can be basic, boring, and bland, especially when it has to compete with everything else in your fridge, like soda, wine, or coffee. You don’t have to give up all those other liquids to enjoy water’s benefits, but we can offer ways to make your water more exciting so you’re encouraged to drink more.



Add citrus.

Instead of tossing away that lemon slice you squeezed over your salad, drop it into your glass for an added kick. Do the same with oranges and limes, or stick slices of ponkan in the freezer to put in your water later like candy-flavored ice cubes. Bonus: you’ll get a hit of Vitamin C. 


Add berries.

Blueberries and raspberries are great for imparting flavor—try mashing them up at the bottom of your glass and then topping it off by pouring water all over. Once you’ve pulled the stems off strawberries, throw that in your drink to sweeten it. A dash of cranberry juice could also help—if your glass is still 90% water over juice, we’re going to say that counts.


Add greens.

Fresh mint leaves, basil, ginger, rosemary, cilantro, fennel fronds, and cucumber slices are just some of the herbs and greens you could toss in. Put them in a water-filled pitcher and let steep overnight, like an infusion, or crush and add to an ice-cold glass like you would a mojito.  


Add ice.

Anything cold is infinitely more tempting on a sunny day, so even just adding a generous helping of ice cubes could help. If plain old ice won’t do it, try making a puree out of fruits like pineapple or watermelon and pouring the mix into an ice tray, then drop the frozen, colorful cubes into a glass of water. Pretty and refreshing!   


Add sparkle.   

Maybe your water just needs a little pep. Try going for sparkling water or seltzer rather than flat, but if you’re concerned about feeling bloated, try a half-and-half mix of still water and soda water instead. Just to give it a little texture and variety.

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If you’re looking for a way to remind yourself to drink more and elevate any kind of liquid you could be carrying, bring your own refillable bottle at all times. It’s environmentally friendly, chic, and a way to steer clear of communal utensils (you can never be too careful these days). HydroFlask is the Crew’s choice—check out how we’re making sure we stay hydrated as we get #SaddleStrong.  

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